
Lefse Making

Kitchen & Fellowship Hall

All are welcome to come make Lefse, with real potatoes, cream, butter, and artisan flour on Thursdays, November 21 and December 19, from 10 am-2 pm in the kitchen and fellowship hall. Amy Jo Martinson will make the dough the day before. You will be rolling out the dough, grilling it, putting into cloths to […]

Turkey Round Up for the Food Bank

301 Faith Partners Turkey Round Up is to collect turkeys for the Food Bank for Larimer County. Bring your rock-hard frozen turkeys to church on Sunday, November 24 from 8:30 am-12:30 pm. Please remember, only rock-hard frozen turkeys can be donated, if you are able to squeeze your turkey even a little bit- it is […]


You are invited to remember family and friends this Christmas with a suggested donation of $12 for poinsettias that we will display right before Christmas. Your name and intentions (“In memory of …” “In celebration of …”, etc.) will be listed in the Christmas bulletins. If you would like a poinsettia to take home or […]

Reverse Advent Calendar Food Donations

What is a reverse advent calendar?  Traditionally, Advent calendars are used to count down the days of Advent in anticipation of Christmas. In church we celebrate weekly the themes of Hope, Peace, Love, and Joy as we anticipate God's gift of Jesus. Most purchased Advent calendars start on December 1 and go until Christmas Eve […]

Church Decorating for Advent/Christmas

Help kick-off the Advent season by joyfully helping decorate the church with the 301 Faith Partners on Tuesday, December 3 at 10 am. There will be jobs for all—we need fluffers, doers, gophers, unpackers, and more!

Mid Week Advent Worship & Soup Supper

Join us Wednesdays, December 4, 11, & 18 Holden Prayer at 6 pm followed by Soup Supper at 6:30 pm. This service will be hybrid, using the same link that is used for weekend Worship. To join the Worship click HERE. Sign up to set up/clean up or donate food via Sign Up Genius HERE.

Alternative Christmas Gift Fair

Fellowship Hall at 301 E. Stuart Street

The Alternative Christmas Gift Fair is an opportunity to shop for Fair Trade gift items and to donate to local, national, and international non-profits. The event will be Sunday, December 8, from 8:45 am-12:30 pm. Among the returning charities and fair trade vendors are Heifer Project, Trees Water People, and the Murulle Foundation. The Fair […]

Mid Week Advent Worship & Soup Supper 12/11

Join us Wednesdays, December 4, 11, & 18 Holden Prayer at 6 pm followed by Soup Supper at 6:30 pm. This service will be hybrid, using the same link that is used for weekend Worship. To join the Worship click HERE. Sign up to set up/clean up or donate food via Sign Up Genius HERE.

Mid Week Advent Worship & Soup Supper 12/18

Kitchen & Fellowship Hall

Join us Wednesdays, December 4, 11, & 18 Holden Prayer at 6 pm followed by Soup Supper at 6:30 pm. This service will be hybrid, using the same link that is used for weekend Worship. To join the Worship click HERE. Sign up to set up/clean up or donate food via Sign Up Genius HERE.

Lefse Making December 19

Kitchen & Fellowship Hall

All are welcome to come make Lefse, with real potatoes, cream, butter, and artisan flour on Thursdays, November 21 and December 19, from 10 am-2 pm in the kitchen and fellowship hall. Amy Jo Martinson will make the dough the day before. You will be rolling out the dough, grilling it, putting into cloths to […]

Christmas Eve Services 3pm & 5 pm

We hope you'll join us on Christmas Eve for a joyful night filled with carols, candlelight, and the retelling of the story of Jesus. There are two worship services 3 pm (*staffed nursery available) & 5 pm. Christmas Eve worship is a chance to remember the true reason for the season.

Lumpa Lefse Making

Join us on Thursday, February 20 from 10 am-2 pm for Lumpa cooking, a potato thick Lefse that looks like a tortilla. We will eat polsa with it or hot dogs, mustard, ketchup as you like. On Thursday March 20 from 10 am-2 pm we will be making the Nordland Lefse we were going to […]