
It's YOU who helps us do God's work
As with any faith organization, we can’t do any of this ministry without you. It’s your energy, generosity, and creativity that allows for God’s work at Trinity. We need help every weekend with greeters, fellowship hosts, and communion assistants. If you’re not sure how to do any of that, just ask!
These weekly service opportunities are coordinated through signup genius and the links are here:

Get involved in the community with us
Outside these walls, we’d love to have your help with LuMin college group dinners, Habitat for Humanity Saturdays, and Family Housing Network hosting weeks. Please contact the church office for the latest Signup Genius links and more information.
Your donations make all of this possible and we strive to always be careful stewards of your gifts. You can learn more about ways to donate on the giving page.
Join us for one of our upcoming events
All are welcome to attend events at Trinity.